Congrats, You Graduated! Now Here’s How to Survive the Job Hunt

“Yay, you graduated! Now, you’re not a student. You’re just unemployed.” 

Sadly, that is an actual quote that was repeated to me as my time in college came to an end. Although college graduation is supposed to be one of the most exciting times in a person’s life, without the “student” status to depend on, postgraduates face a daunting new landscape: the ever-changing job market.  

Post grad blog photo

In the era of minimal hiring, more and more people need help finding that first postgraduate position. Some have even started looking to graduate school and other non-traditional opportunities to push further back the overwhelming task.  

As postgraduates embark on the job search, there are ways to prepare for potential opportunities and kickstart their careers. Although the process can be extensive and stressful at times, job seekers and recent grads can take solace in the fact that there are resources available to ease the transition into full-time employment. 

At BPR, we recognize that the postgrad period comes with a unique set of challenges and opportunities. That’s why we interviewed recent college graduates as well as seasoned professionals to develop a comprehensive list of tips to prepare college graduates for their first full-time job. 

Here are some tips that I found essential, that will hopefully give you a little boost in your job search:  

  • Master the art of asking interesting questions. Not knowing if this will be the only interview you may get, you need to make it count. Always ask the interviewer questions at the end, making them remember you. You want to use this time to show your personality and make yourself more hirable. One of my favorite things to ask is what they love about working at the company and what they would like to improve on. It gives you insight into what it would be like to work there while showing the interviewer your interest in their experience. 
  • Arrive everywhere a little early. Although we cannot control the traffic patterns, we can try our best to arrive on time. When you arrive on time, you show respect to the person interviewing you, and once you get the job, you show respect to your coworkers. It also allows you to get ahead in whatever you are working on and be better prepared throughout the day. 
  • Never underestimate the power of a handwritten thank you note or sincere email. It may seem meticulous but a thank you note could be what lands you the role over another candidate. It is polite and shows that you care about the job enough to follow up and have a genuine interest in the position.  

These are just a few necessary tips for the job-search process. Although the process can be scary, finding that perfect postgraduate opportunity is possible. Utilize these tips and keep applying. There will be a job out there that fits just right. Allow yourself to be open to exploring career opportunities and the right will come. 

Check out Buchanan PR’s 100 Tips to Succeed at Your First Job here. 

Learn more about Buchanan PR’s postgraduate Apprenticeship program here. 

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