Five and a Half Benefits of a Small Office Internship

-Lesley Amy I like cats, I like talking to people, and I love learning new things. I have a deep appreciation for all things goofy and strange, and pride myself on being a very well-spoken college graduate who has always been told I seem “very mature for my age.” I am someone who will observe … Keep reading

Adding Some Personality to Your Pitching

In theory, pitching reporters is a relatively easy task. You write the pitch, find a reporter, and then send that pitch to said reporter. Sounds easy enough, right? While it sounds that easy when you look at the basics, pitching reporters is much more than just sending an email. One of my colleagues always says, … Keep reading

Dusting Off Your Office Space

Spring is in full swing – the birds are chirping, the flowers are blooming and (in Philly, at least) the humidity is rearing its ugly head again. It’s time for that yearly spruce up. At home, you’re probably opening the windows to air out the rooms, filling bags with old-clothing donations and cleaning the woodwork. … Keep reading

A Tour of our Green Workplace

Are you proud of your office? This Earth Day at Buchanan PR, I’m reflecting on our humble abode, and realizing just how proud I am to be a part of such an eco-friendly organization. Why do I find us so green, you may ask? Let me give you a little tour of our building…maybe you’ll … Keep reading

5 Things Every ‘Newbie’ Should Know

-Lauren Marano On my first day as a PR intern, I arrived at the office half an hour early, just as the first worker pulled into the driveway.  I was incredibly nervous, excited, bemused and downright scared.  My dad always told me, “Think it through, Lauren.”  But for some reason, I couldn’t think past everyday … Keep reading

4 Ways to Go Beyond the Job Description

Last week, I performed a less-than-glamorous task at work – one that’s not even remotely related to PR. I may have squealed like a baby while doing it (probably among the top five grossest things I’ve ever done), but I was happy to take care of it for the agency and shared a few laughs … Keep reading

Message Matters: A Takeaway from Four Months as a PR Intern

Four months ago when I began my internship at Buchanan Public Relations my mind was filled with questions. With no background in PR or the B2B industries in which the firm primarily works, I found myself inundated with new information every day. From how to build media lists to the seemingly endless string of acronyms and … Keep reading

To My Fellow Millennials: Knowledge Was Power

Oh, the things  you won’t learn in school. The truth is, your chances of entering a career as a young professional fully prepared and equipped with the precise skill sets expected of your position are unlikely. The world is evolving faster than ever as systems of technology, communication and collaboration improve and expand across industries. But … Keep reading