Où Sont-Ils Maintenant? (Where Are They Now?)

A few years ago, we at Buchanan PR decided to develop an ongoing series for our blog called “Where Are They Now?”  Our aim was to reconnect with former interns, review their career trajectories to-date and solicit their advice for current students looking to break into PR. 

Our most recent submission is from former intern Diane Bizzarro, who worked with us during the summer of 2012.  A graduate of Ohio Wesleyan University, Diane currently works as a Client Relationship Advisor at a New York City-based translation company.

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Volunteer – Somewhere

Last night I saw a clip on the news of former President Bill Clinton participating in a community service project in Phoenix. During the interview he observed that “everybody can serve everywhere.” Buchanan Public Relations, Nancy PageBeing a big fan of volunteering, Clinton’s comment struck a chord with me.

This morning I conducted an unscientific and statistically insignificant survey of my colleagues about their volunteer activities. It turns out that we’re involved in a lot of them!

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New Algorithms for Search Engines: Seven Tips to Improve Your Google Ranking

This week’s blog post comes from our friend Uwe Schmidt of agency Industrie-Contact AG in Germany, which is part of PRGN, a global consortium of independent public relations agencies. Buchanan PR was a founding member of PRGN 15 years ago.Buchanan Public Relations, Industrie-Contact AG, Uwe Schmidt, SEO

Google has changed the search algorithms three times between 2011 and 2013. The following tips will help you to land as far as possible above on the searches hit list:

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One Mistake Social Media Managers Cannot Afford to Make

“To err is human, to forgive divine.”

While this old adage applies to many areas of life, it doesn’t exactly ring true on social media and for social media managers.  Ever made a spelling or grammar error on a client’s post? You get eaten alive!  That’s minimal – a little embarrassment, flak from fans and a lesson learned.  But imagine being part of a fail that makes headlines! I shudder at the thought.

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5 Ways to Survive a Snow (Work) Day

As of Thursday morning, Philadelphia is in the midst of its top five snowiest winters of all-time. As witness to a record-setting snowfall of more than 49 inches in one season (with more still to come), we at Buchanan PR have become experts at working from home during a storm.Philadelphia public relations agency Buchanan Public Relations, Jess Emery, snow days, working from home

Here are 5 ways to survive a snow day – and keep your sanity – while working remotely:

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PR Students: 4 Things to Do Before Graduation

To all of the college seniors studying PR out there, it’s okay that you’re freaking out a bit right now.  Graduation is just months away, and it doesn’t help that your peers studying business probably already have job offers (don’t worry; that’s totally normal. The PR industry does not work the same way that finance and accounting industries do).Buchanan Public Relations, Kathleen McFadden

Whether you’re a soon-to-be grad or still have a few years of college bliss left, here are four things to do that can help ease your transition into  the “real world:”

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Good Deeds Don’t Always Get Punished

You may have heard it said that no good deed goes unpunished but sometimes, as in the case of corporate social responsibility, good deeds will be richly rewarded. A recent study conducted by Cone Communications and Echo Research points to the high expectation that consumers have today for a company to be a good corporate citizen – and also highlights the benefits to be gained from responsible business practices.

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When the Going Gets Tough, Get Tougher

This week officially marks the beginning of my Tough Mudder training. The race will take place in April, so I’m following a 12-week plan to prepare my body for what it’s about to endure. Although I’ve always considered myself to be in fair shape, I’m mentally preparing for this to be one of the most difficult physical challenges that I’ve faced to- date, and I am sure I’ll hit a few bumps in the road along the way.

Buchanan Public Relations, Philadelphia Public Relations Agency, Tough Mudder, Megan Keohane

Here are a few techniques that I’ve learned to help tackle the obstacles:

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The PR Pro’s Guide to Getting Organized in 2014

The famed humorist Margo Kaufman once said, “One person’s mess is merely another person’s filing system.” While many professionals can probably relate to this saying, nowhere does it ring more true than in in the world of Public Relations. Throughout my career, I have been fascinated by the creative organizational systems my colleagues have invented – everything from color-coded notebooks and matching highlighters for each client to spreadsheets tracking every single reporter interaction. Philadelphia public relations agency, Buchanan Public Relations, Emily DiTomo

A self-confessed Type A, I have been known to write a To-Do list (or 500). For those with New Year’s resolutions to become better organized at the office, here are some of my top tips:

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Our Grammar Guide Gift For You

We have been shaking our heads at some of the things we’ve heard and read lately in supposedly professional communications.  Perhaps the end of the year is a good time to review some grammar tips.  We congratulate the world on having mostly figured out there/their/they’re and it’s/its, but some fairly simple rules still seem to trip people up. Time to remedy that. 

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