Dusting Off Your Office Space

Courtesy of Pixabay

Spring is in full swing – the birds are chirping, the flowers are blooming and (in Philly, at least) the humidity is rearing its ugly head again. It’s time for that yearly spruce up. At home, you’re probably opening the windows to air out the rooms, filling bags with old-clothing donations and cleaning the woodwork.

But, what are you doing to refresh your office space? Here are a few (more) tips to get your office in tip-top shape this spring.

Here are some ways to get started:

Clean out your physical files. I keep most of my stuff on the shared drive, but there are some things I like to have printed (weekly reports, client marketing collateral, etc.). I like to take this time to sort through the files and make sure I’m not keeping anything unnecessary. You’d be surprised at the number of old reports hanging out in those folders.

Clean up your inbox. Archive, delete, archive. I’ve got very few emails in my inbox, but I will sheepishly admit that I have 45,000+ in my deleted items. Why am I so afraid I’ll need that HARO from January 2014? Take 15 minutes every day and start deleting. I like to organize the folder by sender so I can just delete in bulk for those newsletters and HAROs. Also, if you’re like me and file away emails by client, clean up those folders, as well. If you’re using Outlook, it’s pretty simple and it will delete all the older emails in the chain so you’re not wasting space.

Clean up your media lists. It’s time to take a solid look at your lists and make sure they’re still current. Remember that great reporter who wrote real estate for the local paper? Yeah, he’s now the editor of a yoga magazine. Probably not the best contact anymore.

Clean up your social media pages. Refresh your company’s pages (and your personal pages, if they could use it). Update photos, check to make sure your info hasn’t changed. Be sure all of your employees are liking, following, sharing content.

[inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”” suffix=””]When your office is refreshed and organized, it can boost productivity.[/inlinetweet] Plus, spring is a time for new beginnings. Start your sunny season off with a clean office, organized files and rockin’ social pages. Are there any spring cleaning tips you would throw in here?