Employee Feature: January

Amanda Mueller

Account Executive

Favorite Part of Working in Public Relations:

I came from a broadcast background and used to work with many public relations professionals, so it’s been extremely fascinating to learn how the “other side” operates. I also love how multi-faceted PR can be – so many people think it’s limited to press releases and traditional media relations, or that we are “spin doctors” – but today, PR incorporates digital, graphic design, content creation and (my favorite) video.

Tip for Other Public Relations Professionals:

Make an effort to really understand journalists’ topics and deadlines so you aren’t pitching during editorial meetings and right before stringent deadlines during the day. The more in-tune you are with their schedules, the more likely they’ll want to work with you on positive coverage for your clients when the time is right.

Most Memorable Moment at Buchanan PR:

We created a video celebrating Chester Upland seniors as they boarded a bus to head off to college. We were there to shoot on the morning they left together – 14 students on one bus. That was a morning I will never forget. But we also never expected the positive feedback the video would receive after we posted it online. It was such a thrill to watch our video views tick up into the thousands on social media, while reading all the positive encouragement for the kids in the Chester community.

Click here to check it out.

Pet Peeve:

Passive voice. Also, that feeling you get when your fingernails accidentally scrape a wall or squeaky glass or the siding of a house, etc.

Guilty Pleasure:

Wine and cheese. I also carry dill in my purse because I put it on everything.

Favorite After Work Activity:

It’s not technically something I can do after work, but kayaking. Also, hanging out anywhere with my rescue pup, Porter.