Four PR Lessons I’ve Learned Playing Softball

Buchanan Public Relations, Philadelphia Public Relations Agency

Just last week, I submitted a video and resume, hoping to become one of the next Phillies Ballgirls (shout-out to everyone at Buchanan PR here for taking part in my vid!).
Sure, having a background in softball helps a great deal with my application, but knowledge of public relations is just as important. Being a Phillies Ballgirl is more than simply fielding foul balls; it’s attending charitable events, pursuing public speaking opportunities and always putting your best foot forward to represent the Philadelphia community. This got me thinking. There are many other ways in which softball, baseball and public relations are related. Here are four lessons I’ve learned since starting my internship at Buchanan PR exactly one month ago:

1. “Put me in, coach!” On a softball field, oftentimes you must step up and play a position in which you’re not so comfortable, or hit in the leadoff spot rather than the 7 spot. More times than not, a coach’s “favorite” players are not necessarily the best athletes, but rather the most coachable and most willing to step up when the time calls for it. It’s not much different when you’re new to PR. Coming in as an intern, you’re not expected to know everything right off the bat (pun intended!). However, you will reap the biggest benefits when you’re entirely open to learning.
2. Physical errors happen. Mental errors can cost you a game. A bobbled ball here, a typo there. These things happen because we’re human. But just like not thinking about where to go with a play can cost runs, not thinking about where to pitch a story can harm your credibility. No reporter wants to feel like they’re one of many, or that you’re pitching them just like everybody else. It pays to thoroughly research media outlets and tailor your pitch to each reporter’s specific beat. 
3. Think ahead. As with knowing where the runners are and what plays could ensue, as a PR pro, you must always have an eye on the future regarding current industry trends. For example, clients are looking for the next big thing in social media, so no MySpace business. Got it?

4. Always be a team player. Whether on the field or behind a computer screen, it’s absolutely imperative to help your teammates. If one of my fellow outfielders has a sore leg, I will step it up to cover more ground. When I started at Buchanan PR just a few short weeks ago, I was amazed at how helpful everybody here was in a very similar way. I was just learning (and still am!), yet they were always there to help teach me and push me to do my best.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. As a PR newbie, I look forward to the many more lessons that await. Ready for extra innings?

1 thought on “Four PR Lessons I’ve Learned Playing Softball”

  1. Megan,

    I hope you are chosen to be one of the Phillies Ball Girls. What a great find for the Phillies!!

    Very nice article. Teamwork is important no matter the job!

    Good Luck!


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