Tiger Woods and His Evolving Brand

With his career riddled with successes and scandals, Tiger Woods’ 23-year journey in professional golf has run the gamut. Woods’ journey has been one of much scrutiny, as he rose to lauded golf prodigy and fell to disgraced philanderer. Yet, on April 14, 2019, many saw a sight they perhaps believed they would never see again: a victorious Woods, dressed in his usual final day outfit of a red shirt and black pants, winning the Masters in Augusta, Georgia and being fitted with yet another green jacket.

                             Photo courtesy of Pixabay.

From various extramarital affairs to an addiction to painkillers, Tiger Woods has faced undeniable setbacks – some of his own making, some beyond his control. After a considerable hiatus from competitive golf, various back injuries suggested the very real possibility that he would never play the game again. A jarring mugshot in 2017 reflected a man who seemingly had lost control of his life. Yet, two years later, it seemed everyone was pulling for him to win.

What shocked me more than Woods’ victory was the outpouring of admiration on social media and beyond. Having very little investment in golf or the PGA, I had long been under the assumption that Woods’ brand was forever tainted by his various transgressions. Most of what I knew about him was tied to recent media coverage, giving the impression that his heyday was a lifetime ago. While I knew Woods had an indisputable impact on the sport of golf, I believed a sincere fanbase had likely been squandered.

How wrong I was. Minutes after claiming victory, my friends’ Instagram stories were filled with words of encouragement for Woods, demonstrating a shared pride in his success I had not anticipated. Nike also released a commercial praising Woods’ resilience in the face of trials and tribulations throughout his professional career. I now have a fascination with Woods that does not lie in his undeniable gift for the sport of golf, but rather in the personal narrative that has captivated many who are not necessarily golf enthusiasts.

What is it that makes Tiger Woods’ story so compelling? It’s the tried-and-true lesson: everybody loves a comeback.

In 2010, Billy Payne, Augusta National Chairman, said this of Woods:

It is simply not the degree of his conduct that is so egregious here. It is the fact that he disappointed all of us, and more importantly, our kids and our grandkids. Our hero did not live up to the expectations of the role model we saw for our children.

In the nine years since this statement, Woods’ development as a flawed hero is what has made his success so mesmerizing. While Woods’ original brand was that of an upstanding family man with a spotless record, he has since had to rethink his image. Perhaps he is not a role model for kids and grandkids as Billy Payne suggested, but he is one for those who appreciate the deep complexities of a story like his.

While few can relate to the challenges of being a professional athlete, many can relate to the struggles of imperfection. Woods’ story reminds us that overcoming our flaws can make our success that much sweeter and that roadblocks we face often make us most resilient. His brand may have evolved, but his story will always remind us of one thing: perseverance.

1 thought on “Tiger Woods and His Evolving Brand”

  1. Great blog, Jane and a reminder that Americans love nothing more than a comeback kid. We’re looking forward to meeting you in person in California. Cheers, David

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