What a PR Degree Can’t Buy

“Baptism by fire.”  This was the term used to describe the internship program at Buchanan Public Relations on my first day at the agency.  I didn’t understand it then, but I definitely do now.Public Relations buchanan philadelphia internship

When I chose Public Relations as a major during my first semester in college, I didn’t know exactly what it was.  Upon graduating in May, I thought I knew what it was.  I was completely wrong. Granted, I understood the basic skills of the profession, such as how to write a news release, how to use proper grammar and AP Style and how to conduct proper research.  But to be completely honest, I don’t think I truly appreciated what PR was until I was fully immersed in it.

There are several aspects of PR that I didn’t learn as a student and that I believe can only be acquired through the hands-on experience that an internship provides.  The three most important lessons I have learned as an intern at Buchanan PR are:

1. Research is crucial.  Whether creating a media list or writing a pitch, it’s important to know both the audience you’re aiming to reach and the industry or subject you’re pitching.  This isn’t always easy, and it almost always requires a bit of digging to understand the topic well enough to communicate it to your clients’ targets – whether they be the media, stakeholders, consumers or customers.

2. Tailor every pitch.  Not all reporters and outlets are the same – and when pitching, it’s important to understand what might pique their interest.  Sending a pitch blindly to any reporter without looking into what he or she  covers may warrant a nasty response or worse, none at all.

3. Ask questions.  Even if it’s a minor detail you aren’t sure about, it doesn’t hurt to ask.  In fact, it shows initiative, curiosity and could lead to an explanation that answers a broader question.

The past four months have flown by, and I am eternally grateful for the experiences I’ve gained at Buchanan PR.  With each task, I built upon a new skill set and learned best practices that I will continue to develop and apply throughout my career.  I’m just getting started.

3 thoughts on “What a PR Degree Can’t Buy”

  1. Awesome article Jess! Congrats on your first few months! I wish you the best of luck in your future in PR. It seems as though you have found your niche!

  2. Great article Jess! I had a similar experience interning at energi PR in Toronto for the past four months. I truly believe that an agency is the best place to start your career – everything I learned about PR in college I was able to put into practice. In just one month, I was already working on a campaign, pitching media and helping organize an event.

    Indeed, research into who your clients, stakeholders and media are is absolutely crucial for successful communication and pitching. To add, building relationships is just as important. You never know what client you will end up working with again.

    I also learned the importance of staying organized. PR requires the ability to manage multiple projects and multitask effectively to meet deadlines. Keeping a planner on hand at all times is a good idea.

    I wouldn’t trade my experience at energi PR for any other one. Good luck to everyone with their internships!

  3. I hate to blow her cover, but Sasha’s internship resulted in a permanent position at energi PR. Her advice is solid, but the other thing that they don’t teach in school or anywhere, for that matter, is confidence, maturity and thoughtfulness. Internships are a place to get noticed. Sasha certainly did.

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